Profile Pic

Hey, I'm Manav. I'm a Software engineer and I've been programming for 5 years. I love learning new things.
Currently diving deep into Distributed Systems

About Me

I am a passionate software engineer currently working at a startup AmuseLabs. My journey in programming started during my school days and has continued throughout my college years. I have gained skills in various technologies such as ReactJs, NextJs, NodeJs, Typescript, Java, Python, C++, SQL, and Docker. Most of my projects have been built using the MERN stack.

I have a strong inclination towards continuous learning. I try to dedicate time to expand my knowledge, whether it involves mastering tools and technologies relevant to my work or exploring new advancements in tech. This passion led me to switch to Neovim as my primary text editor some time back. Recently, I have delved into learning Golang and Svelte. I also recently self-hosted my own cloud server at home using Docker, NextCloud, Nginx.

Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in discussing any of these exciting technologies and ideas. I am always up for an engaging conversation.

My Experience

My Recent Blogs

My Projects


A realtime chat application which allows users to create multiple groups and chat with their friends.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • WebSockets
  • MySQL
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma


A library management app that me and my friends built for our college library. It allows issueing, returning, checking their status and also allows the librarian to manage the books.

  • React
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MongoDB

My Skills

Contact Me

Please Contact me at or through this form.